Course Outline

Master’s degree = deepen knowledge + broaden knowledge + learn scientific working methods

The 4-semester Master’s program in Nanotechnology deepens nanotechnological knowledge and scientific working methods. In addition to the five compulsory nanotechnology modules, students take one core subject in materials science and two elective modules in natural sciences and technology.

The standard duration of the Master’s program is four semesters. The number of credits required for successful completion is 120 ECTS.

All examinations are taken during the course of study and, with a few exceptions, are oral.


  • Nanocharacterization
  • Lab Work Synthesis / Characterization
  • Computational Nanoscience
  • Top-Down Nanostructuring
  • Bottom-up Nano-Synthesis/ Self-assembly

The core subject is chosen from the core subject catalog of the master’s program “Materials Science and Engineering”.

The following can be selected as core subject:

  • General Materials Properties
  • Materials Science and Engineering for Metals
  • Glass and Ceramics
  • Surface Science and Corrosion
  • Polymer Materials
  • Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology
  • Biomaterials
  • Materials Simulation
  • Micro- and Nanostructure Research

The core subject has a scope of 25 ECTS. These are divided into a basic module of 10 ECTS and a supplementary module of 5 ECTS. Both basic and supplementary modules are compulsory modules within the chosen core subject and must be taken. In addition, there are two elective modules of 5 ECTS each, which can be freely selected from the subject pool of the core subject.

Within the framework of the scientific-technical elective module, there is the possibility to take further subjects from the offerings of the study program “Materials Science and Engineering”, from the entire Faculty of Engineering and from the Faculty of Natural Sciences according to personal interest.

In addition to the core and elective subjects, the modules “Scientific Project” (15 ECTS), “Soft Skills” (5 ECTS) and “Master’s Thesis with Presentation” (30 ECTS) must also be taken.

Both the module “Scientific Project” (M12) and the Master’s thesis should be taken in a core subject in which at least 25 ECTS credits have been earned.

The module “Soft Skills” (M13) is taken in one of the three core subjects.

In contrast to the Bachelor’s program, a stay abroad can be integrated into the Master’s program relatively easily and, if necessary, without significant loss of time. The 3rd semester is particularly suitable for this. In consultation with the study advisors or the supervising professors, equivalent study achievements abroad can be accepted.

The Lifelong Learning Program is an action program of the EU Commission to promote general cooperation in the field of education, student and employee mobility in Europe. ERASMUS – as part of the Lifelong Learning Program – offers students the opportunity to gain experience in other European countries, to get to know the language and culture, and to take advantage of the study opportunities offered there. Students from a wide variety of institutes can spend study periods abroad (i.e. take courses and participate in examinations), as well as practical stays for laboratory or industrial internships or for the completion of their theses or dissertations, in each case for a period of three to twelve months. During this time, they are supported with approximately 150 euros (studies) or 400 euros (internship) per month and are exempt from any tuition fees at the host university. The only requirements for participation are enrollment at FAU, first-time participation in the program, and sufficient language skills in the target country.

Application procedure

1. selection of the university of your choice

In the following list you will find an overview of our partner universities from which you can select your desired university. Since the number of study places is limited, it is advisable to also specify 1-2 “substitute universities”. Helpful is the page of the Department of International Affairs with reports of students’ experiences.

If the number of applications exceeds the number of available places, students are selected according to their course of study, subject grades, language skills and number of semesters.

Please consider the different lecture periods when choosing your preferred university!!!

2. application at the office of materials science

Application deadlines  for study abroad in WS and/or SS: 1st of February

Required documents: Please bring this erasmus application form 2526

for a personal interview at Susanne Michler’s office (please make an appointment!) or send the form with the letter of motivation to Susanne Michler .

ATTENTION: If there are several applications for the same study place, it will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis!

3. nomination

After reviewing the application documents, the Office of Materials Science informs the applicants about the result and sends a nomination list to the International Affairs Office.

4. registration at the International Affairs Office (RIA – Mobility Team)

The RIA is the central International Office of the University, responsible for the administrative process of the ERASMUS program and the payment of the study grant. After the successful nomination, this office is also an important contact for you, informing you about the further formalities. The RIA will ask all nominated students by e-mail to register in the RIA online system. Furthermore, the RIA informs the host university about the nominated students as well as the students about the registration modalities of the host university.

5. registration at the foreign university

After the RIA has informed you, you now have to register yourself at the foreign university. Adherence to the respective registration deadlines is very important, otherwise no exchange place can be guaranteed!

6. further ERASMUS forms

After provision by the EU, the RIA will send you all necessary ERASMUS forms (e.g. for scholarship and learning agreement with indication of the courses you would like to take).

The following partnerships of the Department of Materials Science exist (as of 10/2023): ERASMUS partnerships