Student Council (FSI)
The Materials Science Student Council, or FSI WW for short, represents all students in the Materials Science Department at FAU – responsible for commissions, studies and celebrations!
The overarching task of the FSI WW is to represent student interests to professors, the university management, and the public.
These include, for example:
- Review and revise university decisions from a student perspective
- Sending members to the general Student Council (FSV)
- Propose constructive solutions for the benefit of the students
- Improve spatial problems
- WW summer festival / mulled wine festival
- Campus planning (look, seating, expansion, etc.)
- First-semester introduction (first-year books, official introduction)
- Sensible use of study grants
- Improving the ability to study the courses
If there are problems with your studies, the FSI WW is the first point of contact for the department and takes care of all student concerns. The FSI is particularly committed to implementation through co-determination in the various committees at the Faculty of Engineering.
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department of Materials Science
Fachschaftsinitiative WW (FSI WW)
Room 0.90
Martensstr. 7
91058 Erlangen